Pauline Fox-Kelly


Moving Your Thoughts

& Together in Spirituality

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

Moving Your Thoughts

At Moving Your Thoughts, our aim is to adopt an approach appropriate to your needs than can be modified and personalised as you release and re-define who you are, where you want to be and the way you want to live your life now.

One step at a time changes one thought, causing ripples through to another part of your being, opening the way for harmony to begin to flow, easier and brighter. Never underestimate what you can achieve. By taking one step at a time, you will be Moving Your Thoughts.

April 2024 Front Cover

Together in Spirituality

Together in Spirituality is a quarterly subscription magazine that can be received Digitally or as a Book posted directly to you.

It contains Spiritual Words and Inspiration, Thoughts, Meditations, Healing Articles, Poems and Spiritual Communication, Paranormal contributions, and so much more.


Read Pauline’s latest blogs.

The quarterly Together in Spirituality magazine

It contains Spiritual Words and Inspiration Thoughts, Meditations, Healing Articles, Poems and Spiritual Communication, Paranormal contributions, and so much more.

Comments from the readers

Be Inspired

Just Fall Into The Silence

Can you hear the silence that’s between your thoughts? Or have you felt a moment of stillness that feels like a pause between your heartbeats? Can you sense more awareness while waiting for your next breath? These sacred silences are the golden keys to your freedom. The more silence you can find, the easier it […]

You Are So Important

I was about to throw away an old diary when I found a piece of paper taped on the front page. It is from a horoscope written in 2015, “You are so important”, and it must have inspired me then and how much it has now. When I re-read it, I knew I wanted to […]

Surrender to The Source

Let go and surrender to the Universe’s source of energy. Only through surrender can you embrace your Divinity. Be open to the Universe. You already have all the courage you need. Existence fills you the moment you surrender. Give yourself the gift of Self Love Be free from expectations. You are so precious, precisely the […]


The new Magazine is out now for distribution. It contains Spiritual Words and Inspiration Thoughts, Meditations, Healing Articles, Poems and Spiritual Communication, Paranormal contributions, and so much more.

The Magazine is quarterly, on a yearly subscription, that can be received Digitally or as a Book posted directly to you.


Read the story of a young girl starting to work within the household of a Pharoah and his family.

Eve Birch was a chief librarian in different parts of the country for many years. And now, at 87, she is still an avid reader and writer of short stories.

All the proceeds for the sale of this book is donated to The Guide Dogs for The Blind.