The Rainbow Dream Vision is just as powerful now as it was when written Twenty Eight years ago and I have placed the first two chapters below. I have been given permission to reissue this booklet under KelFox House Publishing. If you would like the full version of these very special inspirational words and thoughts of Rainbow Dream Vision please contact me. Via this webpage or directly by email at or message me on Facebook.
The Rainbow Dream Vision
It feels like it is time again to get the Rainbow Dream Vision out into the collective minds and thoughts of many more people. The first edition of the Rainbow Dream Vision was of five thousand copies and has been out of print since 1989. In the autumn of 1991, there was a strong impulse to get the Rainbow Dream Vision re-published, and to even more people than before. The feeling was then that within the Rainbow Dream there are key messages which are felt to be very important, and this was the time that was to help trigger changes and understanding within us, in order that the real collective of the Rainbow People energy will start to come together all over the world.
Rainbow people are said to be those of us whose seven major energy centres are moving and vibrating to an ancient energy source, radiating through a spectrum of colour, hence the term ‘rainbow’. It feels like we are now about to come through the rebirth of the new consciousness, awakening the energy source of our unconscious evolution on this Earth into a phase of conscious evolution. Is this a rebirth? Is the time coming to start to gather together and stand up for what we believe and want?
Do you sense the vibrational energy of the colours?