Where indeed, I have heard from so many people over the last few weeks that are disturbed by the energy changes. The weather is acting so up and down, and not consistent with the time of the year; the temperatures are up and then down the next day, just as moods and feeling are.
People are not feeling comfortable with where they are and what they are doing, a discontent is floating around. It is showing in being vulnerable, and the need to protect oneself from all that is around you.
Maybe it is time to ask for a bit of help, from someone around you or even finding the time to sit down in a calm space and bring in your light and slow down what you feel and look at what You need.
We can get pulled along by others energy, and it can get muddled and confusing in hearing and seeing their words and actions. Reading words in the newspaper and hearing from the TV or Radio, I listened to a podcast the other day that was enough to make me feel fuzzy and a little discontent.
So I took time out to read beautiful quotations and affirmation, to sit still and look at my perception of what was flowing around in the ether and atmosphere of the world. The written words can inspire us, and I know Kindle and Ebooks are the modern way to do it, but I love to hold a book, to write my thoughts down and see them in front of me, just as the words in the books may inspire, captivate or make me tingle and then even jump.
How do you feel about the written words that has been around for thousands of years and has not gone out of fashion in any way, as even eBooks or Kindle all started as the written word?